On Latin: Inspiration
Verba de speciebus rescribi debent. Verba de verbis auctorem non constituit. Verba quiscuius linguae animum auctoris alte remitterent. Lux universa verborum promissorum ab altero meliorem non facitur; autem verba hortari propter altera verba facile possunt. Vera verba causam alteram veritatem non habent. Altissima verba rerum naturam ipsam remitterent. Veritas rerum naturae ad ullum non attineret; neque veritas universa ad species non attineret. Species verbaque verum simile indicis ad universitatem ut veritatem altissimam perspiciat. Ergo quae verba mei undique mei ipsius semper manebunt. Ego in munde viva ipsa ab potente universitatis sustentata sum. Universitas sola olim id verum cum verbo potestatem mihi dederat. Mens veri mens verorum verborum.

Words ought to be written back as according to ideas. Words concerning words do not establish authority. Words of any language reflect profoundly the spirit of the author. The universal light of words having been sent forth cannot be improved upon by another; however, words are easily capable of persuading on account of other words. True words have no cause other than truth. The highest words reflect the universe itself. The truth of the universe does not belong to anyone, and yet universal truth does not belong to ideas. Ideas and words are as truth resembling a pointer to the universe, that the highest truth may be ascertained. Therefore, which words of myself will remain on all sides of my own self always. I myself have been sustained alive in the world by the power of the universe. The universe alone once had conferred upon me license for this truth with words. The mind of truth is a mind for true words.

Words relayed in correspondence ought to be as according to ideas. Words of words do not establish authority. Words of any language will reflect profoundly the spirit of the author and of authority. The light of words which has conveyed a universal meaning cannot be improved upon by another; however, words can easily be persuasive unto other words. True words do not have a cause other than truth. The highest words reflect the universe itself. The universal truth does not harbor ownership, and yet it does not owe its universality strictly to ideas. For ideas and words are as truth which are like a pointer to the universe, that the universal truth may be ascertained. From the foregoing, whatever words of myself will remain universally disposed and of my own self accordingly and always. I myself have been kept alive in the world through the power of knowledge of the universe, of universal truth accordingly. Thus had the universe alone once conferred upon me license for this truth with words. The mind of truth is also a mind for true words.
Note: to be edited
By Marilynn Stark All Rights Reserved